PointCab 4Archicad 2.0 – Archicad Plugin Released

Archicad point clouds PointCab 4Archicad 2.0

New release – pointcab 4archicad plugin 2.0

Archicad point clouds PointCab 4Archicad 2.0

Discover all new functions in the latest release of our point cloud plugin 4Archicad! 

Due to our constant development and the inspiring feedback from our Archicad users, our new 4Archicad plugin brings
a bunch of new functionalities and enhancements.
Check out what’s new below:


Vectorizer Transfer: Automatically create Walls & more from Vector Lines

What it’s for?

Simply create Vector Lines in PointCab Origins and effortlessly transfer them to Archicad via the PointCab 4Archicad Plugin. With the vector lines you can then automatically create Walls and more.

How it’s done:

Follow the steps in our video tutorial.

Create Mesh

What it’s for?

Create a mesh in Archicad by using 3D Points in PointCab Origins.

How it’s done:

Follow the steps in our video tutorial.

Point Cloud Transfer

What it’s for?

Transfer your unstructured E57 point clouds with ease to Archicad.

How it’s done:

Follow the steps in our video tutorial.

Import of Section as interior elevation

Click to enlarge the picture

What it’s for?

“Reference to” function for now with interior elevation!
Use it to create an interior elevation instead of a section or elevation.

General Improvements


Origins 4.2 – the latest functions

Origins 4.2


PointCab Origins 4.2

Discover all new Origins functions in the latest release of Origins version 4.2! 

Due to our constant development and the inspiring feedback from our users, PointCab Origins 4.2 brings
many new functionalities and enhancements.
Check out the new functions below:


GUI Update: Customize Origins like never before

What it’s for?

Experience Origins with a completely new look and feel: customize and arrange windows in size and position to your liking.

How it’s done:

Just click and drag your windows in Origins and arrange them to your liking.

New GUI in PointCab Origins 4.2
Click to enlarge the image

New License Manager

Click to enlarge the picture

What it’s for?

Discover a new, convenient and easy-to-use way to manage all your PointCab Licenses in one place.

How it’s done:

The new License Manager provides an easy way to manage all your PointCab Licenses. Just take a look at our slides and see how it’s done.

New Tools Menu available

What it’s for?

We have moved!
You’ll now find all options to import Elements and prepare Nebula files in one place in this toolbar.

How it’s done:

Just toggle to the Tools Menu item and find all your options for importing Elements & preparation of Nebula files.

new_tools_menu in PointCab Origins
Click to enlarge the image

New Vectorizer Tool for rectangles (customer request)💡

Click to enlarge the image

What it’s for?

Enjoy a faster workflow and create rectangle vector lines with one click!

How it’s done:

The new rectangle tool of our Vectorizer creates a rectangle of vector lines with one click. Enabling you to speed up your vectorization! 

New way to export clusters (customer request)💡

What it’s for?

You can now choose clusters and easily export them as separate projects.

How it’s done:

Just select the clusters you want to export as a separate project and do a right-click. Choose export and that’s it!

Export clusters in Origins 4.2
Click to enlarge the image

New "2D + Z" transformation method (customer request)💡

What it’s for?

Minimize the risk of errors when selecting identical 3D points!

The new 2D+Z transformation method was developed for projects that require rotation around the Z axis and translation in all three dimensions (XYZ). It ensures an accurate transformation while maintaining the perpendicularity of the object. Verticality is maintained through the registration process and derived from the tilt measurement data.

(Note: The screenshots for the 3D transformation are exaggerated to show that the object can be rotated around all axes.) 

How it’s done:

When transforming your point clouds in the Transform Calculator, just select “2D + Z” in the dropdown menu and hit “Find constellations”.

Click to enlarge the picture


Improved Orthophoto appearance in color sheet (customer request)💡

What it’s for?
We improved the appearance of the color sheets, for a more crisp look and easier workflow. The upper picture demonstrates the better appearance in detail.

Improved Orthophoto appearance
Click to enlarge the image

Advanced scan renaming (customer request)💡

What it’s for?

Changing the names of your scans (and cluster) is now a breeze. Just choose the scans you want to rename and give them a new name. Don’t lose track of your projects anymore.

How it’s done:

Just select your cluster and start to rename it to your liking. Everything in brackets is editable.

Advanced scan renaming option
Click to enlarge the image

Hide scan names in quality matrix

What it’s for?

Turn on / off the scan names in the quality matrix.

How it’s done?

Simply press “n” on your keyboard to hide or show the scan names.

Hide scan names in quality matrix
Click to enlarge the image

Language Settings moved

How it’s done?

Struggle to change Origins to your preferred Language? You’ll now find all languages in the Settings Menu in Origins.

Click to enlarge the image

Automatic update for FARO API

What it’s for?

Origins now check automatically for the latest FARO API and suggest you to update it.

PointCab Origins 4.2 FARO API update
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Hide scan positions in top view (customer request)💡

What it’s for?

Hide or unhide your scan positions by cluster in the top view.

How it’s done?

In the Advanced Importer select your cluster, open the menu with a right click and select un/hide scans to hide or unhide them.

Click to enlarge the image

Riegl SDK Update

What it’s for?

PointCab Origins 4.2 now supports all Riscan datasets.

Riegl SDK update


Trace your footsteps

What it’s for?

You can now import your trajectory files from Mobile Mapping Systems and beautifully visualize your path.

How it’s done?

Open “Import Elements” under Tools and choose “Import trajectory”.  Browse your files to add your XYZ coordinates from the traj.txt file. Adjust the data types like in this example and you are ready to go!

Click to enlarge the picture

Import Ladybug panoramas (customer request)💡

What it’s for?

Now you can import your Ladybug panoramas into PointCab Origins.

How it’s done?

Under “Import Elements” choose the “Import Ladybug” tab and start importing your Pano-Views!

Click to enlarge the picture

Import Matterport panoramas (customer request)💡

What it’s for?

Now you can import your Matterport panoramas into PointCab Origins.

How it’s done?

When importing Matterport files, the panoramas are imported directly (no need to go to Import Elements – Import e57).

Matterport panoramas in PointCab Origins
Click to enlarge the image

Import Viametris panoramas

What it’s for?

Now you can import your Viametris panoramas into PointCab Origins.

How it’s done?

Under “Import Elements” choose the “Import Viametris” tab and start importing your pano-views!

Click to enlarge the picture


Origins 4.1 – The latest functions



Origins 4.1 – The latest functions

Discover all-new functions in the latest 4.1 Origins Release! 

Due to our constant development and the inspiring feedback from our users, PointCab Origins 4.1 comes with many new functionalities and enhancements. Check out the new functions below.


Polygon editor for area-based tools

What it’s for?
View and edit the coordinates of your polygon points in the job editor!

How it’s done:
When creating a surface the coordinates of the polygon points appear in the job editor and can be adjusted there. This affects all functions of the area tool and all functions that are related to areas: Merger, point cloud export, volume, and mesh.

Polygon editor for area-based tools
Click to enlarge the image

Export origin point of sections in .dwg (customer request) 💡

Export origin point of sections in .dwg
Click to enlarge the image

What it’s for?
When exporting a section, the center of the section is exported as an additional CAD element called “origin point”. This way the reference point is preserved and you are quickly able to restore it, in case you need it. (A crosshair will be displayed in AutoCAD)

How it’s done:
Go to Layout & Section Tool > Create Section > Settings > Layout/Section/Space Warp > CAD > Activate “Add Centerpoint to dwg/dxf” under “Option”.

Customized 3D Point export to .dwg

What it’s for?
Now you can choose your preferred data format for exporting points to .dwg!

How it’s done:
In the Job Editor under “CAD” you can now find the “Text visibility in Export”. Here you can define where PointID, Point Number, and X, Y, Z information shall be exported to. When the 3D points are exported, the corresponding folder opens directly. Therefore right-clicking “show in folder” is no longer necessary. In the .dwg file, the selected information will be displayed next to the point. The same functionality is also available under the “File” tab in the Job Editor.

Customized 3D Point export to .dwg
Click to enlarge the image

“Save as” Functionality to .pcp (PointCab Project)

“Save as” Functionality to .pcp (PointCab Project)
Click to enlarge the image

What it’s for?
Finally, a new way to duplicate your project! Previously, you could only archive a project and then had to pack and unpack it again… These times are finally over!

How it’s done:
Just go to File > Save As: Origins saves a copy of your current project state in the background. Isn’t that great?

Export Orthophotos position (customer request) 💡

What it’s for?
Export the positions of several layouts with ease!

How it’s done:
Select all your layouts with the selection arrow or Ctrl + A, then copy them with Ctrl + C and simply paste them into your text editor. You will easily get all layouts with name and order Lefthandle | Righthandle | Center, as well as all 3D points.

Export Orthophotos position
Click to enlarge the image

Toggle on/off names of Panoramas

Toggle on/off names of Panoramas
Click to enlarge the image

What it’s for?
Finally a clearer display of panoramas – due to a third option!

How it’s done:
The names and positions of the panoramas can easily be hidden by pressing the “P” key. We love the new feature, try it out yourself right now!

Sections with enhanced reflectivity

What it’s for?
The new option enhances the reflectivity in your panoramas and in sections!

How it’s done:
In the panoramas, there is a new sheet that enhances reflectivity. If the “Enhanced reflectivity” slider is checked, the reflectivity will be displayed with increased contrast. To use it for sections just create a new one and set the reflectivity to 100% in the Job Editor under “Processing” and activate the slider for “Enhanced Reflectivity”. Now calculate your job and the sheet with “Enhanced Reflectivity” is available. Lookin’ good, isn’t it?

Click to enlarge the picture

Export all panoramas in different file formats

Export all panoramas in different file formats
Click to enlarge the image

What it’s for?
This new option helps you to convert your panoramas into your desired image file format. You can choose between png, jpg, tif, bmp, webp

How it’s done:
Before exporting the desired panoramas, choose your preferred format for exporting in the settings under General > Export > “Panorama format”.
Once that’s done, go to the Advanced Importer > “Import” tab: do a right click: select All scans > “Save all Panoramas” and export all panoramas in your preferred file formats!

⚠️Cloud-to-Cloud (C2C) Test / Beta⚠️

What’s it about?
We intend to offer a full-fledged cloud-to-cloud (C2C) registration in Origins. For now, this is our first attempt to provide C2C in Origins 4.1.

Here’s what to keep in mind:
We explicitly don’t recommend using this C2C in its current form to register actual projects!

But we would like to encourage you to test our C2C beta and we’re excited about your experiences and feedback about it.


Plane position names inside the plane area

What it’s for?
Improved visibility: In the Registration Editor, the labels of the recognized layers are now displayed within the respective layer.

Click to enlarge the image

Optimized Nebula Export

Click to enlarge the image

What it’s for?
Just a much faster Nebula Export to get your point cloud projects into the cloud!
Who doesn’t want that?

Shortcut Manager improvements

What it’s for?
We have added a Clear-Button in the Shortcut Manager. Maybe just a little improvement for your user experience but we think you deserve it.

How it’s done:
Settings > Shortcuts: New “Clear Button” to delete user-defined shortcuts.
The “Record Button” can then be used to record as usual.

Shortcut Manager improvements
Click to enlarge the image

Project main files backup

Project main files backup
Click to enlarge the image

What it’s for?
When changes are made to the project, Origins now creates automatic backups in the background!

How it’s done:
You don’t have to worry about it, origins will create the backups for you automatically!

Customizable zoom speed

What it’s for?
Adjust the zoom speed in the 3D viewer the way you prefer it.

How it’s done:
Open the 3D Viewer and click on the Gear Icon in the upper left corner. Then you’ll be able to adjust your zoom speed in the “3D View Parameter” in the Job Editor. This setting can also be found under Settings > GUI > 3D Control > Zoom Speed

Click to enlarge the image

Advanced project information

Advanced project information
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What it’s for?
This handy feature keeps you on track with your project information!

How it’s done:
You might have noticed it already when opening Origins: in the Last Projects overview, more project details are now displayed!
Curious about more information? Just open your project and go to “File” > “Project Info”. Now you can view your “Project Information” above the Job Editor. Have a look at e.g. the creation date, date of last changes, total processing time, and much more!

Layout center line visible in all standard views

What it’s for?
The red dotted line of a section, which marks the center of a section, will now also be displayed in the left-view orthophotos window.

How it’s done:
No need to change anything. Origins does that automatically now.

Click to enlarge the image

Save into FARO project file (customer request) 💡

Click to enlarge the image

What it’s for:

We have added the new function “Save into FARO project file” by user request. 

How it’s done:

With this function, registration values (scan positions and rotations) can be directly written into an existing FARO LSPROJ file.


FARO SDK/API update – Support of FARO Premium Scans

Fantastic news for all FARO Focus Premium users!
As of now, the scans can be imported from the Premium Scanner.


Import e57 files with panorama (for Mobile Mapping scan data)

Import e57 files with panorama (for Mobile Mapping scan data)
Click to enlarge the image

What it’s for?

Now you can write panoramas in .e57/.las format from datasets of NaVvis, GeoSLAM, and Stonex.

How it’s done with .e57 files:

  1. Create a new project and open your scan data. Select the .e57-file and save it to start importing your e57-file as a point cloud.
  2. Proceed to import the panoramas under “Tools” and click on “Import elements”
  3. Navigate to the “Import E57” tab and select the same file. There you can see how many panoramas are included. Click on import.
  4. Last step: simply calculate the panoramas in the job list.

How it’s done with Stonex files:

  1. Create a new project and open your Stonex data. Select the .las-file and save it to start importing your .las-file as a point cloud.
  2. After your Stonex point cloud has been successfully imported into Origins, go to “File” > “Import Elements”.
  3. Navigate to the “Import Stonex” tab and navigate to the location of your .txt file and press “Import”. Make sure that the option “Copy images to project” is activated.
  4. The panorama views appear as circles in your project and as jobs in the job list that need to be calculated. After Origins has processed the images, you can open them as usual by selecting the Panorama tool and clicking on the scan point in the standard views.

Please note:
The Stonex panoramas are just hemisphere panoramas (180 degrees) and therefore the point cloud cannot be back-projected onto them, which means that no measurements can be made. They are purely suitable for visualization purposes.


As-built – what does it mean?

As-built model


“As-built” – anyone involved in architecture and the construction industry will sooner or later come across this term. It is almost always linked with documentation. But what does as-built documentation actually comprise? How is it created and what is it needed for? There is no legal or regularitory definition of the term. Even within the industry, there may be different opinions when it comes to the definition and scope of a as-built documentation. Despite this, or rather precisely because of this, we will try to clarify all the questions surrounding as-built documentation in this article.

As-built documentation vs. construction drawing - what is the difference?

As-built documentation is documentation of the actual state of a building or construction project. A construction drawing, on the other hand, shows the planned state of a project. Anyone who has already been involved in a construction project knows that there can be considerable differences between the planning and the result. In order to obtain realistic documentation of the project, it is necessary to carry out as-built documentation in addition to the construction drawing. 

As-built model

Starting as early as possible: Documentation of construction progress

So does it make sense to simply create as-built documentation after the project is finished? Of course, the finished project should be fully documented. However, it is even better to start much earlier. Especially with larger projects, it is advisable to document the various stages of the construction progress. There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, it allows all those involved to be kept up to date on the progress of construction.



Even more important, however, is the comparison with the construction drawing and the planning. This way, possible complications can be recognized at an early stage and dealt with accordingly. After each construction step, costs can be adjusted if necessary, new permits can be obtained, materials can be exchanged, the statics can be recalculated, and so on. This makes it easier to avoid unpleasant surprises and cost explosions.

Of course, final as-built documentation should also be carried out after the project has been completed, and it is also worthwhile to acquire it for already existing structures. On the basis of the as-built documentation, subsequent conversion measures or installations can be planned and carried out. In addition, it provides important information for disaster control and rescue forces in case of an emergency.

How is as-built documentation created?

The purpose of as-built documentation is therefore clear. The question that arises next is how it should be carried out and what exactly it should contain. Regardless of whether the construction progress is to be documented or a project that has already been completed, the first thing to do is to create a accurate reality capture. Nowadays, depending on the size of the project, this is done by means of laser scanning and/or drone flights. If you work with a laser scanner, it generates a point cloud that must first be processed and evaluated with special software. Point clouds can also be generated from drone flights with special software such as Pix4D. With our Origins software for example, sections, floor plans and much more can be quickly created from the point cloud data. Data processed in this manner can then be imported into the CAD system, where a model of the project is created.

But a reality capture and a simple 3D model are often not sufficient for as-built documentation. Depending on the requirements, further information must be included in the documentation and there is also a lot to consider when creating the 3D model. 

For instance, the level of detail, or LOD for short, plays an important role in 3D modelling. For example, should the valves of water systems be modelled down to the smallest detail or is it sufficient to roughly represent them in the correct position and orientation? Such questions should already be clarified and discussed with the modeller before the documentation is created. The modeller can determine in a personal conversation which LOD level is required for your project. There is no industry standard for the accuracy of as-built documentation. This is not least due to the fact that a higher degree of accuracy is associated with additional costs, which of course one does not want to bear if it is not needed for the project in question.

Another point that must be taken into account is additional information. For example, should the material of the floor, doors, windows, etc. also be documented? Which window model is used? Should invoices and static certificates be stored? These questions must also be clarified and the scope must be determined before preparing as-built documentation.


Ultimately, the scope and accuracy of as-built documentation always depends on your individual requirements. In general, however, it can be said that at least a rough digital reality capture by means of laser scanning is always useful.This way, errors can be avoided in the construction phase and possible subsequent construction work can be implemented more easily.

Do you have any further questions about as-built documentation or point cloud evaluation? Then write to us or call us under: +4971539295930.

Our support team will be happy to advise you!


What are point clouds?

Punktwolke point-cloud


Here’s an easy-to-understand introduction to the topic of point clouds. We answer the following questions:

Basics: What is a point cloud and how is it created?
What are point clouds used for?
How to work with point clouds? 

Punktwolke point-cloud

Basics: What is a point cloud and how is it created?

A point cloud can best be explained with the help of a gadget that reached the peak of its popularity in the 00s and is now primarily used for presentations: the laser pointer. The laser pointer can be used to illuminate a precise point in a straight line. If you know exactly where the laser pointer is located in the room, you can also exactly locate the point that is being illuminated. After all, the laser beam is straight as a die and thus makes it possible to calculate the exact position of the point in space in relation to the origin (the laser pointer). Geodetic points in surveying are also measured according to this basic principle, only it’s a little more complex. Instead of a laser pointer, special tachymeters are used for this purpose. 

And what does this have to do with point clouds? Quite simple. In addition to total stations, laser scanners have been used more and more frequently for surveying in recent years. These also work in the same way as our laser pointer, except that they can measure thousands or even millions of points simultaneously. Taken together, all the measured points constitue the point cloud. 


What are point clouds used for?

Point clouds contain an incredible amount of information because every single point in the point cloud has its own X, Y, and Z coordinates. If we scan a staircase with a laser scanner, for example, we can use the resulting point cloud to determine exactly how straight the individual steps are, where the steps are worn and how high the deviation from the construction standard is. Accordingly, laser scanners and the point clouds they produce are always used when you want to document existing structures precisely, for example to digitise, measure or modify them. 



For the design and optimization of production parts, for example in the automotive industry, very high-resolution hand-held scanners are usually used. They can capture even the smallest details and deviations. This allows a digital twin to be created on the PC. With the help of the twin, new prototypes can then be created and improvements digitally simulated and tested.

In the construction industry and as-built documentation of buildings, various scanners are used. Depending on the object, mostly terrestrial or mobile laser scanners, sometimes even drones. They are used to scan buildings for a variety of reasons, e.g. to plan an extension or renovation, to optimally position new equipment in production buildings, or to document the construction progress of various building projects. 

These are just a few examples of applications. Point clouds are used wherever objects need to be precisely captured and digitized. Depending on the area of application, different laser scanners are used. They can produce different accuracies and point cloud sizes. 


How to work with point clouds?

How to work with point clouds depends above all on what goal you are pursuing. As already mentioned, different laser scanners are used for different areas of application. The same applies to the software used to evaluate the point clouds. Our software solution, Origins (Pro), for example, is mainly used when existing buildings or landscape structures are to be digitally captured.

Regardless of which hardware and software solutions are used, there is an important step between the acquisition and the evaluation of the point cloud data: the registration.


Point Cloud Registration

During registration, individual scans or individual “sections” that were captured with the laser scanner are merged into a point cloud. If you want to register a complete building, for example, you often set up the laser scanner in the different rooms and scan them. Of course, in the end, you don’t only want to have individual scans of the different rooms. You prefer simply one large point cloud in which all the scans are available and linked together. To achieve this, you have to register the scans.

Behind the registration usually stands a rather complicated mathematical process. The accuracy of the data produced by the registration depends on how well the laser scanner captured the environment on site and how reliable the registration software used is. Fortunately, this process has become easier and easier in recent years. If you use a mobile laser scanner, for example, you often no longer have to make individual scans. You can simply walk through or around the object with the scanner. With this type of scanner, registration is also usually fully automatic and provided together with the hardware. The user does not need much know-how. The disadvantage here, however, is that mobile laser scanners are currently often not able to deliver as precise results as terrestrial laser scanners, i.e. scanners that are set up stationary and take individual scans one after the other.




There are different methods to register a point cloud. The best known are cloud-to-cloud registration, target-based registration, or plane-to-plane registration. Which method to use depends on many different factors, e.g. the laser scanner used, the desired accuracy, or your own preferences. Especially for newcomers, it is, therefore, advisable to have the scanning and registration carried out by experts. They not only register the point cloud but also “clean” it in most cases during the registration process. This means, for example, that duplicate scans or “noisy” areas of the point cloud are removed or the point cloud is professionally “thinned out” to reduce the file size.


Importing, processing, and passing on point cloud data

If you receive registered point cloud data, there is usually one more stumbling block to overcome before you can take measurements and create digital 3D models from the data – importing the data. 

There is not just one file format for point clouds. In general, each laser scanner works with its own file format. Different software for processing are often using their own formats as well. As a result, there is hardly any software that can import all native file formats from the different laser scanners and processing software. We are very proud that our Origins (Pro) software can read and import over 25 different point cloud formats and export over 20 different formats (point cloud formats and others). However, even though we provide one of the greatest diversities on the market, it still doesn’t represent all native data formats. So what is the best way to deal with the different file formats?

Open exchange formats such as .las, .laz, .e57 or .xyz offer a solution to this problem. These file formats were developed by independent parties to solve the problem of data transfers. The .e57 format in particular has virtually become the industry standard. Almost all registration software of the laser scanner manufacturers can output the format and processing software for point clouds can also read the format. Therefore, in most cases, the surveyor will hand over the point cloud in .e57 format.

The disadvantage here is that the .e57 format, in contrast to the native formats, is less well compressed. Therefore it requires more storage capacity in comparison. However, the large amounts of data are normally no problem for point cloud software. After all, they were developed specifically for the processing and evaluation of point clouds. They can be used to carry out measurements and other evaluations. With Origins (Pro), for example, you can also create automatic floor plans that can be vectorized and much more



However, if you want to create a 3D model from the point cloud, you need to employ a BIM or CAD software. These were not originally developed to handle point cloud data. Accordingly, many of these software still have major problems processing the data. Some CAD software, such as Autodesk Revit or AutoCAD, cannot read .e57 or other common point cloud formats. In order to use these software, the data must be converted again into the Autodesk formats .rcp or .rcs. Other CAD software cannot read point cloud data at all or can only import small amounts of data at once, which means that the point cloud has to be “split” again and imported in parts. These are all very tedious and time-consuming tasks.

To avoid this effort, the data is often first pre-processed in a point cloud software and then further processed in the CAD software. For example, Origins (Pro) can be used to create floor plans and vector lines, which can then be transferred to the CAD software in the correct position and with all the important 3D information in .dfx or .dwg format. These formats can be processed by almost any CAD software and require much less storage capacity than the entire point cloud. Of course, there are now also plugins for the most common CAD software that can transfer the 3D information from the point cloud software directly to the CAD software.

In conclusion, it can be seen that the acquisition and processing of point clouds, right up to the creation of a 3D model, still requires a great deal of expertise and know-how. Especially the amount of data and the data exchange between the different systems is still a challenge. Fortunately, a lot has already been done in recent years to simplify this process, also known as scan-to-BIM. We are also working every day to be able to import more data formats into our software and to simplify the handling so that even beginners can work with point clouds.

Do you have any further questions about point clouds or would you like to test our software yourself? Feel free to send us an e-mail to: support@pointcab-software.com. We would be happy to advise you in a personal meeting without obligation.