We could fill entire books with why we believe PointCab Origins is one of the best solutions on the market. But we don’t publish books. We develop software.
That’s why we prefer to let our software speak for itself.
With our free trial, you can see for yourself how PointCab Origins can improve your workflow. Simply fill out the form below and you will receive an email with all download links.
Valid for 24 working hours
The timer only runs out if the software is actually open and in use.
Origins + Plugins
You will receive download links for Origins and all plugins.
Import up to 3 projects
The import in the trial version is limited to 3 test projects.
Please note: To install the plugins, you must have installed the Origins demo version before.
1. Download the installation file from the email.
2. Unzip the file and launch the .exe file.
3. Repeat the process for the plugins.
1. Download the installation file from the email.
2. Unzip the file and launch the .exe file.
3. Repeat the process for the plugins.
You don’t have your own point cloud data at hand at the moment? No problem! We have a bunch of projects for you here which you can use to test PointCab Origins.

Old City Hall Wernau
Short Facts: 10.46 GB file size, colored, registered, scanned with Faro Focus S70
Great to test the following Origins functions:
Playground project to test most functions
Residential flat approx. 85m²
Short Facts: 400 MB file size, 16 scans, partially colored, registered, scanned with Faro Focus S70
Great to test the following Origins functions:
Layout, Sketch, Vectorizer, Registration
Note: To test Origins registration tools, first, delete the current registration
-> open “Advanced Importer” -> select “Import” tab -> right-click on any scan -> select “all scans”, then click “clear registration all scans”

Residential flat approx. 85m²
Short Facts: 400 MB file size, 16 scans, partially colored, registered, scanned with Faro Focus S70
Great to test the following Origins functions:
Layout, Sketch, Vectorizer, Registration
Note: To test Origins registration tools, first, delete the current registration
-> open “Advanced Importer” -> select “Import” tab -> right-click on any scan -> select “all scans”, then click “clear registration all scans”

Quarry approx. 55.000m²
Short Facts: 1.64 GB file size, colored, captured by drone with photo camera
Great to test the following Origins functions:
Mesh, Profiler, Volumes, Delta & Shading
Opera House
Short Facts: 4 GB file size, 29 scans (exterior only), colored, registered, scanned with Faro Focus S350
Great to test the following Origins functions:
Space Warp

Opera House
Short Facts: 4 GB file size, 29 scans (exterior only), colored, registered, scanned with Faro Focus S350
Great to test the following Origins functions:
Space Warp
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